Our volunteers are the BEST!!!  SonShine Club would not be in existence without the dedicated team of volunteers that give at least one Saturday a month to the ministry.

There is something for everyone to do at the SonShine Club.  We need volunteers to meet and greet our friends as they arrive on Saturdays.  Our friends love to be greeted as they are entering the building and most like a hot cup of coffee!

What about music?  If you love music and have a heart to share your passion, we need you.  Our friends LOVE music!  They love to sing Sunday School motion songs as well Praise and Worship music.  Music is such an outlet for our friends.  They enjoy singing in groups and by themselves.

SonShine Club friends enjoy arts and crafts.  They love to complete projects and share them with everyone.  It’s not unusual for a volunteer to leave the day with many projects that have been given to them by a proud friend.

We offer a hot lunch for our friends.  Lunch time is the most hectic time of the day.  Volunteers are crucial at this time of the day.

Our volunteers are a vital part of the ministry.  If you have a few hours one Saturday a month, please consider checking out a Super Saturday at the SonShine Club.  Volunteers must complete an application and a background check.  The forms are located on the websites front page.


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